

Why I loved you at 25

You were my fiance.
You put everything you had into the yard so that our reception could be special.
You were with me every step of the wedding planning process.
You married me on June 18th.
You worked incredibly hard during the most challenging semester yet.
You received an internship with one of the biggest construction companies in the state.
You embraced your silly side.
You caused me to recklessly drive home from work daily because I couldn't wait to see you.

Happy 26th Birthday, husband! I love you.


getting old

Last night while laying in bed, this conversation happened...

Liz "Wow, you're going to be 26!"
Mike "Don't talk about it. I'm old."
Liz "Yeah I understand, we're both getting old."
Mike "What! You are not old. You still can't even rent a car!"
Liz "Aw, you're right. That's quite refreshing to know that I'm still too young to do something."
Mike "Oh, thanks. Just rub that right in."
Liz "Hey, well... you're still too young to um... order off the senior citizen menu at Denny's!"

Blank stare.

Note: do not talk to Mike about his age. He's sensitive.