

Birthday and Christmas Cheer

We had a lot of fun at our ward Christmas party. We even got to participate and dress up like Jesus time(s?)  This is not a picture of us, mind you. 
I was very impressed with the ceiling decor.
Another Utah game! This one was FREEZING. 
Thanks, Mama for the lovely cake! 
Happy Birthday to me!
We went to dinner at a restaurant named Fratelli for my birthday. We were greeted at the door by none other then Jerry Sloan! He was walking out while we were walking in. Our conversation went as follows:
Mike: "Hey, Jerry! How's it going?"
Jerry: "Hey pretty good, buddy!"
Wow. Profound words. We were definitely kicking ourselves for not asking for a picture. 
Birthday portrait.
After dinner, we went to the most intense tree lot I have ever seen! Mike decided he wants to start his own tree farm one day. This guy has some strange unique life goals.
They had PINK trees! And blue and purple and turquoise.  
Enjoying myself on this festive sleigh (birthday coat pictured here) not knowing that directly to the right of me there were...
Reindeer! Real, live reindeer! I told you this place was intense.
I forgot that reindeer actually exist. That they aren't some made up animal. Where exactly did this Christmas loving tree lot import these very bored reindeer from anyway? Let them fly back to the North Pole, you meanies!
My biggest birthday wish! A pumpkin chocolate chip cupcake from Sweet Tooth Fairy. Yum.
Christmas baking. 
Our very first Christmas tree! Mike was like a little kid. 
Further proof that my grandpa is darn cool. He also has the best collection of hats you will ever find.
I finally worked up the courage to give myself a little ombre hair coloring.
Busting a move in my Grandma's amazing silver pants she rocked in the 80s.
That goofy Jerry!
Just for fun: the many faces of my friends @ dinner.
Happy Christmas season! 

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